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About Roger Schank
Roger Schank

About Roger Schank

Roger Schank. Ph.D., was the Chairman and CEO of Socratic Arts, a company that delivers Story-Centered Curricula to businesses and schools. He was also the Executive Director and founder of Engines for Education.

Previously, Dr. Schank was the Chief Education Officer of Carnegie Mellon's West Coast campus, where he introduced the idea of master's degrees that use a Story-Centered Curriculum in lieu of the traditional course-centered approach. He was the founder of the Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University where he was John Evans Professor of Computer Science, Education, and Psychology, (now Professor Emeritus).

Prior to coming to Northwestern University, Dr. Schank was Professor of Computer Science and Psychology at Yale University and Director of the Yale Artificial Intelligence Project. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Paris VII, Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science at Stanford University, and research fellow at the Institute for Semantics and Cognition in Switzerland.

Dr. Schank is a fellow of the AAAI, the founder of the Cognitive Science Society, and co-founder of the Journal of Cognitive Science. He holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Texas. One of the world's leading Artificial Intelligence researchers, Dr. Schank is the author of more than 125 articles and publications. He has written more than 30 books.

Dr. Schank passed away in January, 2023. If you'd like to contact Professor Schank, visit the Socratic Arts.

Some stuff I've done

I have to mention that when I say "I've done." I don't mean it was just me usually. Far from it. I have always had a team of students and professionals working with me. So here is a list of stuff I am proud of, almost never done solely by me.

Socratic Arts

The main business of Socratic Arts is the design of live simulations for corporations that like to teach their employees in the same physical space We also build online learn by doing courses; tools, knowledge management systems and just in time learning systems

XTOL (Experiential Teaching Online)

Visit XTOL Corp's site for more details.

ExTRA (Experts Telling Relevant Advice)

Engines for Education: a not-for-profit

La Salle University Barcelona

We built an online MBA program (as a Story-Centered Curriculum).

Carnegie Mellon, Silicon Valley

Northwestern: Institute for the Learning Sciences (ILS)


While at Yale I started two companies:


And, of course, we have a number of things we are working on that we are not ready to discuss here (watch this space).

©2025 Roger Schank